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The Complexity of the Irregular Verbal and Nominal Forms & the Phonological Changes
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The Essentials of the Strong Verb in Arabic

A Study of the Assimilation and Substitution in Arabic

The Phonological Changes due to the Hamza and Weak Consonant in Arabic

The Basics & Intricacies of Arabic Morphology

A Study of Arabic Phonology

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A Study of Arabic Phonology

Product Description
Phonology is the study of the changes that can affect a word, and sometimes even two words, for different reasons relating to a certain implied heaviness, like the existence of two identical letters or two letters that are close to each other or a hamza or a weak letter. The phonological changes are recognized as the assimilation of a letter to another, the substitution of a letter for another, the addition or elision of a letter or vowel and the transfer of a letter or vowel to another position. This study explores in detail when these changes are necessary, allowed or forbidden. The presentation of the rich data, the theoretical analyzes of the phonological elements and the references to the different works from the classical period of the 8th century until our days, offer a detailed and accessible study for both the students and researchers of Arabic.


by D. Lynn

This comprehensive book places special emphasis on the phonological changes which occur in the Arabic language. The essential themes in Arabic phonology are the assimilation, the changes due to the hamza, the unsoundness due to the weak letter, i.e. the w and y, and the substitution. Each theme in this book has its own chapter and takes up and studies in detail various examples illustrating the diverse phonological changes, the sequences leading or prohibiting their occurrences, and some various anomalies.
The vast table of contents and the indexes referring to qur'anic quotations, verses of poetry and names of people are very detailed. One the one hand, they will help the reader to find the topics that interest him or her quickly, and on the other, they will stimulate him or her for further research. The book's references to the classical Arab grammarians, e.g. Sibawaihi, Ibn Jinni, al-Mu'addab, Zamakhshari, Ibn al-Anbari etc., and to modern linguists, makes it a very instructive and useful tool.
I can highly recommend it.

by Andrew Heaney 

This is a very beautiful and useful book that will fascinate many readers who are interested in getting an in-depth study of the various aspects of Arabic phonology. The different changes that can affect a word are discussed and analyzed in detail. The readers will be satisfied with the rich data, the advanced theories and the references to important linguistic works. Furthermore, the numbered paragraphs and numerous indexes offer a great structure to the work and are of great help for finding quickly the topics of interest.

This is a very beautiful and useful book that will fascinate many readers who are interested in getting an in-depth study of the various aspects of Arabic phonology. The different changes that can affect a word are discussed and analyzed in detail. The readers will be satisfied with the rich data, the advanced theories and the references to important linguistic works. Furthermore, the numbered paragraphs and numerous indexes offer a great structure to the work and are of great help for finding quickly the topics of interest.

Pallas Athena is proud to announce the publishing of A Study of Arabic Phonology by Joyce Ã…kesson

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 (c) 2009. All rights reserved.
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